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air bath 空氣浴(裝置);空氣干燥器。

When you forget everything about the bustle of the big city in the heart of a fertile valley and soak yourself in a spacious open - air bath , the only thing exists there is space in harmony with nature that warms you up to the “ core of your heart (只有日語)當您悠閑地置身于被眾多溪流包圍、遠離都市喧囂的露天溫泉之中,是否體會到這都是大自然的完美結合,溫暖也隨之滲透到了心靈深處。

air battery

The nanjing day tan oak domestic electric appliances limited company , is engaged in yu youyan machine , the fuel gas stove has , the fuel gaswater heater , the electric boiler , the electricity air bath , disinfects the cabinet , the electromagnetism stove and so on the smallelectrical appliances production and the sale operates privately thelimited liability company , the product proliferates area and so onmainland china and southeast asia has an experience rich technologyabundant outstanding team , has the specialty private enterprisemanagerial talent and control system day ke ren understood sets upthe brand , fully displays the team spirit , my si dingbi the takedivision of labor and cooperation , the superiority supplementary , resources sharing , the reciprocal benefit mutual benefit as aprinciple , provides extremely has the market competition strength bymight and main for the collaborator the product our objective is : development , innovation , prestige , highly effective , enterprising , strives for realism , development , quality 南京天柯家用電器有限公司,從事于油煙機,燃氣灶具,燃氣熱水器,電熱水器,電氣鍋,消毒柜,電磁爐等小家電生產及銷售的私營有限責任公司,產品遍布中國大陸及東南亞等地區.有著一支經驗豐富技術雄厚的優秀團隊,有專業的私營企業管理人才和管理制度.天柯人懂得樹立品牌,充分發揮團隊精神,我司定必以分工合作、優勢互補、資源共享、互惠互利為原則,竭力為合作者提供極有市場競爭力的產品.我們的宗旨是:開拓,創新,信譽,高效,進取,求實,發展,質量

When you forget everything about the bustle of the big city in the heart of a fertile valley and soak yourself in a spacious open - air bath , the only thing exists there is space in harmony with nature that warms you up to the “ core of your heart (只有日語)當您悠閑地置身于被眾多溪流包圍、遠離都市喧囂的露天溫泉之中,是否體會到這都是大自然的完美結合,溫暖也隨之滲透到了心靈深處。

Maybe because of the frost of winter , white steam from an open - air bath soars into the air , and what you can see beyond that steam is just the absolute view of the great nature 這是一處遠離都市喧囂,深藏在被大自然包圍的山坳里的溫泉中心。冬季因氣候寒冷,露天溫泉上方漂浮著白色的水霧,這一切都是大自然所賦予的。

A heat treatment to composite membrane , preferred at a 70 hot air bath for 20 minutes can improve the salt resistance of the composite membrane 對復合膜進行適當的熱處理可以進一步改善復合膜的脫鹽性能,以70熱空氣浴, 20min為宜。

The hotel has the finest location for viewing lake ashinoko below . all the guest rooms have this view , as well as private open - air baths 這里的所有客房和露天溫泉都是可以將蘆之湖盡顯眼底的最好的看臺

The open - air bath on the rooftop affords fine views of mt . hakodate , hakodate airport and the tsugaru straights 從樓頂的露天溫泉及大浴池您不僅可以眺望津輕海峽,還可以俯視函館山及函館機場

What better way to enjoy a cold winter ' s day than to soak in an open - air bath nestled among the trees 還有什么最佳的途徑尋到一處隱身于叢林中的露天溫泉更勝于嘗試冬天的日子呢?

Each guest room of the hanatsuki annex is equipped with a private open - air bath made of japanese cypress 在別館花月的所有客房,都帶有檜木制望海露天溫泉

Each guest room at annex hanayura is equipped with a private open - air bath made of japanese cypress 別亭的所有客房都帶有檜木制露天溫泉

Air bath equipment 氣浴設備